Red Rock Canyon, Nevada


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Red Rock Canyon was designated as Nevada's first National Conservation Area and it is located 17 miles west of the Las Vegas Strip.   The conservation area showcases a set of large red rock formations: a set of sandstone peaks and walls that were formed by thrust faults including the Keystone Thrust.  A one-way, loop road, 13 miles (21 km) long, provides vehicle access to many of the features and hiking trails in the area.

We left Las Vegas at about 7AM, had a few photos along the scenic drive (Calico 1 and 2), and gathered at Sandstone Quarry parking lot at ~ 8:15AM for a group hike to the Calico Tank.  It's a fun 2.2-mile (round-trip) hike with some rock scrambling and very nice view of Las Vegas at the end of the trail.







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