Pittsburgh to Baltimore8/15 -- 8/17/2021 |
The final leg of our trip was to help Iris move her stuff from Pittsburgh to Baltimore to prepare for her new job. Woanyu and I drove from Shenandoah National Park in the morning, and had a smooth 5-hour scenic drive. The timing was so perfect that Iris and Henry appeared at the arrival hall at the Pittsburgh Airport when I finished the paperwork for the rental car.
[New York (8/7--8/10)] [New Haven (8/11)] [Shenandoah (8/12--8/15)] [Pittsburgh/Baltimore (8/15--8/17)]
We were at Baltimore Airport at ~ 1PM for our final flight home. It's been a long journey to go this far: Linus and Miriam have finally settled and can enjoy their life together; Iris has just started out of her comfortable zone to experience the real world for her first job. It was not complicated only for this trip; it was so complicated for the whole journey for so many years. We are so grateful that everything went smoothly and almost perfectly. Life is so good when we look back through all the journeys we have taken together!
[New York (8/7--8/10)] [New Haven (8/11)] [Shenandoah (8/12--8/15)] [Pittsburgh/Baltimore (8/15--8/17)]