Nanjing (南京), China

9/26/2024 -- 9/29/2024

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Nanjing is one of China’s most significant cities, and is recognized as one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China alongside Beijing (北京), Xi’an (西安) and Luoyang (洛陽). Due in part to its strategic location on the Yangtze River, Nanjing served as the capital of 10 Chinese dynasties and regimes spanning 1,800 years, including the Ming dynasty and the Republic of China (till 1949).  It has been one of the world's largest cities, enjoying peace and prosperity despite various wars and disasters. Nanjing served as the capital of Eastern Wu 東吳 (229–280), one of the three major states in the Three Kingdoms period (三國); the Eastern Jin (東晉) and each of the Southern dynasties (南朝), which successively ruled southern China from 317 to 589; the Southern Tang 南唐 (937–75), one of the Ten Kingdoms (五代十國); the Ming dynasty (明) when, for the first time, all of China was ruled from the city (1368–1421); and the Republic of China under the nationalist Kuomintang (1927–37, 1946–49) before its flight to Taiwan by Chiang Kai-Shek during the Chinese Civil War.  The rich history and Chinese tradition were the main reason why my father picked Nanjing to visit this time.


<< Previous: Shanghai

Getting there ...

.We continued our trip from Shanghai with High Speed Railway to Nanjing at about noon.  It's a smooth 2-hour ride with luxurious lounge and comfortable seats of business class (business class > 1st class > 2nd class). 

9/26 (Day 4) ...








9/27 (Day 5) ...







Can you tell who is the good student and who is the bad student from the photos above?




We also visited the special cultural center (天工造物文化馆) which had the exhibition of "Inside-Bottle" Paintings (內畫) by the artist Chang Feng (盧軍華 筆名長風).  He has a workshop in the cultural center and he was working on some painting there today.  It's really a rare occasion to see the artist in action and see the art pieces up-close in such details.  We ended up buying some most expensive souvenirs we have ever bought :-)






9/28 (Day 6) ...


It's a long walk and climb to the mausoleum at the top of the hill.  My family stayed at the foothill of the mausoleum while Woanyu and I made a quick climb to visit the mausoleum. 





9/29 (Day 7) ...



Going Home ...

After lunch at Laomendong, we headed to Nanjing Train Station to take the HSR to Shanghai.  Since we were taking the business class, we were given a nice lounge room to wait for the train.  It's another 1.5-hour smooth ride back to Shanghai.  The bus was at the train station to take us to PVG airport to catch our flight at 8:00PM to Taiwan.  Thanks to my brother Yenchen's arrangement, we had a wonderful time together with my parents for their first post-pandemic oversea trip.  It's not easy for them to travel at their ages.  I really feel lucky that we could still travel together and I would appreciate every moment.


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