[Day 1/2] [Day
3/4/] [Day 5/6]
The Fifth Day ...
- Sunrise at NTU Tea Garden (台大茶園)
We stayed at the NTU Tea Garden's cabins for the night.
The cabins were just finished a month ago, and not open
to the public yet. We were the 2nd guests to stay at the
cabins (the 1st guests were the president of National
Taiwan University).
- Chi-Tou (溪頭)
Chi-tou Forest Recreation Area, which occupies an area of
2,500 hectares, is situated at an elevation of 1,150
meters on Fonghuang Mountain in Lugu Township. The region
is an experimental forestry area belonging to National
Taiwan University. We departed from the NTU tea garden in
2 minivans (instead of our big bus) at about 9AM. When we
got there, there was an assistant researcher waiting for
us, who happened to be my high school classmate. We had
the privilege to drive in the park to save us a lot of
time and leg work, but it also lost the joy to be closer
to the nature.
- Fong-Huang Bird Park (鳳凰谷鳥園)
On our way to Fong-Huang Bird
Park, the kids were all hungry and they decided
to turn back to NTU tea garden to get snacks. So
only one minivan (my parents, my sister and I)
went to the bird park. There are many beautiful
native birds and some exotic species living in
the park. The crane exihibition and the 3D show
in the visitor center were also interesting. |
- Er-Shuei (二水)
After lunch at the NTU tea garden, we left the mountain
area. We visited a few places and had some activities
(watching some videos about birds and monkeys,
singing Karaoke, riding bikes, etc.). Then we moved to a
golf course and stayed there for the last night although
we did not play any golf.
The Last Day ...
- Formosan Rock-Monkey (台灣獼猴)
There is a trail winding through dense forests with many
wild monkeys. With some treats, there were tens of
monkeys gathering around.
- Mr. Tung's Ink-Slab Shop
Ink slab (硯) is the one of four
traditional treasures in Chinese calligraphy. Mr.
Tung's works are more than just ink slabs; they
are art works and some are real masterpieces. |
- Palm Puppet (布袋戲)
This is the most special stop in the trip. We went to the
home of a traditional Palm Puppet performing family. They
showed us different kinds of puppets, from small palm
size to large one with 2-hand operation. They also showed
us some tricks in performing puppet show, including
jumps, smoke, and fire.
- Dinner
Our relatives gave us a big dinner party, not only to
welcome us, but also to celebrate my father's retirement
(one more month to go). Although we did not know many
faces there, we all felt the warmth from them.
Going Home ...
On the way home, all the kids were so quiet because they can
watch video tapes on the bus. But all adults were so exhausted
that we all had a good sleep till we arrived in Taipei. This is
the last family trip before my father retires, but it is also a
start for us to prepare a new life for my father.
[Day 1/2] [Day
3/4/] [Day 5/6]
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