Beijing, China

7/5 -- 7/10/2010

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[Day 1/2] [Day 3/4] [Day 5/6]

The Fifth Day ...


The crowds in the Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City were unbelievable.  When we entered the gate under Wumen (午門), we were actually pushed forward by the people behind us, and I had to hold Iris' hand tightly to make sure we always stuck together.  The palace architectures and surroundings were really impressive, but it was quite a challenge to take pictures with people everywhere (and I still needed to stay in our group following the lead of our guide).  The walking tour last for about three hours (from ~9:30AM to 12:30AM) as we had a slow pace and all the treasures were worth a more detail visit.







When we got back to the hotel in Beijing, we received a birthday cake for Woanyu from the hotel.  However, it was funny that there was a typo on the cake ....

The Last Day ...






Going Home ....

Before going home, it was time to do the final shopping.  Linus and I were not interested in shopping at all, so we found a bookstore and then a McDonald's to spend our next hour.
It took about 3 hours to fly back to Taiwan (8PM -- 11PM), and it already passed mid-night when we got back home in Taipei.
China has grown so much in the recent years after they started economic liberalization in 1978, and has become a major power in the world economy and many other areas.  It was a very good experience to travel to China as we share the same history background and language. 


[Day 1/2] [Day 3/4] [Day 5/6]

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