
Jan. 20- Jan. 24, 2004

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Malaysia is a country with a mix of people from many races and cultures: Malays represented the majority which makes Islam the national religion, and Malay the national language; Chinese (~35%) firmly dominated business and trade, and most are Tao Buddhist and retain strong ties to their ancestral homeland; Indians (~10%) had been visiting Malaysia for over 2000 years, but did not settle en masse until the 19th century. It is also a country mixed with different traditions and modern worlds like many other developing countries in Asia. Malaysia enjoys tropical climate with warm and balmy weather all year round with temperatures range from 21C to 32C.


Getting there ...

We missed our family trip to Thailand last year. This year I had a chance to go back to Taiwan on a business trip during Chinese New Year so we can join my family to go to Malaysia. The focus of the trip was (of course) for kids to play and have fun, and we were also going to a resort island (Pangkor Laut) which was selected as "The Top Ten Honeymoon Destinations in the World".

[Day 1/2] [Day 3/4/5]

The First Day ...



The Second Day ...




[Day 1/2] [Day 3/4/5]

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