Genkyu-en (¥È®c¶é
) and Hikone Castle («Û®Ú«° ) are adjacent to
each other. Hikone Castle is counted as one of
the four most beautiful castles in Japan along
with Tsugaru Hirosaki Castle (¬z»´¥°«e«°) in
Aomori («C´Ë¿¤) , Himeji Castle (®V¸ô«°) in
Hyogo (§L®w¿¤) and Matsumoto Castle (ªQ¥»«°)
in Nagano (ªø³¥¿¤). When we approached Hikone
by bus, the ground was already covered by snow.
And by the time we walked up to Hikone Castle
from Genkyu-en (it's about 10 min gradual stair
climb), it began to snow harder. We were all
excited with snow and all the kids enjoyed their
first touch of snow in Japan.